What to Tell (and Ask) Your E-commerce Photographer


The first way that a client or customer interacts with your product is simple. They see it. And in less than a second, they already have an opinion on it. What can you do about this? You can hire someone who will give you maximum control over how your product is seen.

“What if it goes wrong?”, you think. That’s a good question, because it can go wrong in about a million ways—unless you hire a professional e-commerce photographer. They are trained to deliver images that drive customer response. But, your photographer will need to get to know your brand first. And to best accomplish this, you should come prepared to your e-commerce photography consultation. Here’s what you need to know.

What to Ask Them

Before you work with the photographer, you'll want to know a little bit about their process. Here are some good conversation-starters.

●     See their portfolio. Sample pieces give you an idea of what you’d like your photos to look like.

●     Ask about their gear. Conversations about gear can be intimidating (lots of jargon). But the photographer should be able to tell you how that jargon translates to specific results that anybody can understand.

●     Talk to them about their experience. Photographers love to talk about their work. Learn more about their style and open the door for a two-way conversation.

You'll definitely have an idea of what they can deliver after this.


What to Tell Them

Once you've decided to work with them, here is some information your photographer will need:

●     Individual or group photos

●     Size of the product

●     Number of angles

●     Any detail shots you would like

●     Delivery of product

●     Turn-around time

There are always specific requests, but these are factors that come into the equation on every job.



What the Picture Will Look Like

You are the first brand ambassador for your product, so get ready to make your expectations clear. Imagine what would happen if you shipped the product to the photographer with no information whatsoever. You'd get pictures of your product, that's for sure.

Now, imagine you do the same, except you include sample images from your competitors of what you’re envisioning . This set of photos is guaranteed to be massively different—and probably better.

A bit of direction will only make the photographer's life easier, so be sure to make comments on the things listed below. Keep it simple! Too much information will obscure your primary goals.

●     A brief, effective description of the product and brand

●     Kinds of backgrounds (solid, patterned, colored, etc.)

●     Environment of the picture

●     Angles

●     Props

●     Kind of surface the product will sit on

Your e-commerce photographer can help you decide all of these aspects to ensure you get good results.

Now that you know what it's like to work with an e-commerce photographer, it’s time to schedule a free consultation. You have nothing to lose and everything to learn!

Learn more about e-commerce photography services in San Francisco with Slava Blazer. Schedule a consultation and get ready to propel your product's image to greater heights.


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