A Simple Guide to Posing for Corporate Headshots in San Francisco

A man in a corporate headshot in San Francisco

A man in a corporate headshot in San Francisco

Many people enjoy headshots as much as they like going to the dentist. But you don’t need to be a model or actor to achieve a great corporate headshot in San Francisco. In fact, a headshot in which you look effortlessly confident, relaxed and dynamic doesn’t involve artifice or even acting. All you need is a little preparation and the services of a professional photographer who can provide guidance, creative direction and some staging.

Below is a stress-free guide about how to pose for corporate headshots.

First things first. Get plenty of sleep the night before so you look refreshed. Pick out your favorite professional outfit for the shoot – the one in which you feel the most confident, comfortable and polished. Make sure it’s ironed and ready. A classic look is best to ensure you look as professional as possible and the headshot has longevity beyond one fashion season. Discuss your outfit and wardrobe changes with your photographer prior.

Give some thought to your facial expression, body posture and the place of your hands. If you like, you can practice smiling and posing in front of a mirror. Below are some options for poses and things to take into consideration in your home practice and headshot session.

1. Body Posture & Position

Always keep a straight back with relaxed shoulders.

One classic pose is standing on a 45 degree angle away from the photographer and turning your head to face the camera. If you find this hard to envisage, your corporate headshot photographer will help guide you, and can position you or at least demonstrate what to do.

You may prefer headshots where the subject appears to be positioned square with the lens. Even for those sorts of shots, the client is often on a very subtle angle with one foot slightly in front of the other and one shoulder is tilted towards the camera. The underlying principle is to bring some energy to the shot, and positioning your body so it’s side-on can help achieve this. Standing exactly square with the camera can appear inert and mannequin-like.

A professional woman resting her hands on her knees in her corporate headshots in San Francisco.

A professional woman resting her hands on her knees in her corporate headshots in San Francisco.

A professional woman with her hand on her hip in her corporate headshots in San Francisco.

A professional woman with her hand on her hip in her corporate headshots in San Francisco.

2. Hand Placement

It’s important to choose a placement for your hands which makes you feel confident. There’s not a one-size-fits all, it boils down to what looks and feels natural to you. If you feel awkward, there’s every chance the photo will look awkward. Be open to trying your professional photographer’s suggestions, as this can yield unexpected and positive results. Here are some options for you to experiment with in front of a mirror.

  • Hands on hips – a strong and confident pose

  • Arms crossed – a power pose, but watch your body language so it doesn’t look defensive. Many executives use this pose in corporate headshots in San Francisco

  • Clasped hands, fingers interlocked – depending on the cropping, your hands may not appear in the shot but the gesture can help keep your posture straight. If you’re sitting down, having interlocked fingers or one hand on top of the other and resting on top of your knee or a table can look elegant and sophisticated.

  • Playing with a cufflink or watch – it can visually underscore the theme of your photo shoot or your industry.

If your session includes corporate portraits, you can consider making use of your surroundings. For example, you can rest your hand on a railing or lean slightly against a wall.

A professional man smiling in his corporate headshots in San Francisco.

A professional man smiling in his corporate headshots in San Francisco.

3. Facial Expressions in Your Corporate Headshots in San Francisco

Smile. It can be an open smile showing your teeth, a half-smile or a closed mouth smile. You can practice your smile in front of a mirror, but remember it should look as natural as possible. As a stepping off point, smile the way you would when you’re feeling at your best. Or even pull a silly face in your corporate headshots in San Francisco as a way of loosening up and easing into the official photos.

You want people to contact you, so the aim is to appear as approachable as possible!

It’s common for people to blink or squint when they smile. Practice keep your eyes open as you smile in front of a mirror. In collaboration with your photographer, another solution is to close your eyes and open them on the count of three.

How you pose in your corporate headshots in San Francisco will be influenced by the location of your session and the creative concept. After the shoot, your professional photographer will carry out some skilful retouching to ensure your headshot is projecting the tone that you want and helping you to put your best foot forward. 

Slava Blazer Photography has been taking stellar corporate headshots in San Francisco for 12 years. We can help you pose for a headshot that authentically captures you at your best. For that perfect corporate headshot, please contact us today.


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